What to Expect

massage_sYou might have a few questions about your therapeutic session. This page explains the overall process, options and expectations for both you and your therapist.

Your Therapist

Andie is a state and nationally certified massage therapist with over 624 hours of initial massage certification and testing. In addition, she has had over 550 hour of additional specialization, certification and continuing education in a number of other techniques (professionally referred to as modalities). She is licensed by the Florida Department of Health and maintains an occupational license for the county of Palm Beach and City of Delray Beach. She is committed to providing quality massage therapy, protecting your privacy and strictly adheres to the massage therapy code of ethics.

Health History and Consent to Treat Form

For your first visit, you will be asked to fill out a Health History and Consent to Treat form. The information provided will remain strictly confidential, and it will be used to determine any alterations regarding massage technique that will benefit your needs. This information is important because even though massage is therapeutic, there are some conditions where massage is NOT advised. This form is designed to alert your massage therapist of any health conditions requiring special consideration. f you would like to fill out your health information form in advance, please click here for a PDF version of this form. Please print and complete two copies of this form for both your records as well as a copy for the massage therapist.

Clothing / Undressing for the Therapy Session

For lymphatic or CranioSacral therapy, undressing is usually not required although special needs may require partial undressing. This can be discussed prior to your session.

The Therapy Studio

The therapy studio is located in the BankUnited building, 5300 West Atlantic Ave. Delray Beach, FL. (For a map and directions click here).  The studio features a relaxing waiting room and independent entry and exit doors to the treatment room to ensure incoming patients do not cross paths with outgoing patients.  The studio is licensed in the state of Florida and is monitored and periodically inspected by the Florida Department of Health. The studio is a clean, quiet and relaxing area where you will receive your therapy session. A variety of relaxing music is available to further enhance your session. The studio includes comfortable seating where you’ll fill out a health history form on your first visit as well as discuss any special needs for your therapy session.

Your Therapy Visit

Your therapy session is scheduled by appointment only and requires a minimum 24 hour advanced notice. Appointments should be made as soon as practically possible to ensure availability that will fit your schedule. Please give 24 hour notice should you need to cancel your appointment.

Please plan on arriving on time for your appointment. If you are late, your session time may be reduced accordingly as Andie will not delay other client that may be scheduled after your visit.


Payment is expected before the massage therapy session begins. Andie accepts Visa, Master Card, cash or personal checks.

Making the Most out of Your Therapy Session

Plan to turn off your cell phone to ensure a quiet and relaxing session. You should also consider removing jewelry such as necklaces or large rings. (Most piercings do not need to be removed.)

Important Note: This is the website of a professional, licensed massage therapist. There are absolutely NO illicit services provided by this, or any, legitimate massage therapist. If any innuendoes are made by a client during a massage session, the session will be terminated immediately, and the client will be held liable for payment in full of the scheduled appointment.